Saturday, December 02, 2006

this ain't the Army anymore...

The tally from my first day with the Air Force Reserve:

Hours worked: 2.5
Pay to be received: $150.00

Thank you for paying your taxes. Oh, and by "work" I don't mean I really did anything, just sat around in a conference room telling war stories to all the newbys. I really appreciate the Air Force because by them flying supplies into Iraq it reduces the need for convoys along the roads, and hence saves lives of Army folks, but sheesh, it's not really the military. However, in those 2.5 hours, I did see more attractive women in BDUs than in my entire time in the Army.

Good news is that I got done in time to make it to the Pikes Peak hash!

1 comment:

MW said...

with only 2.5 hours of work, how could you have been late!