Tuesday, July 23, 2024


SAR has been keeping me busy.  Between Friday evening and Monday evening had a three incline calls, BTMR volunteering, and a CPR class.  And another non-SAR trip to Barr Camp on Monday morning to deliver some mail.  

For the week:

run - 41 miles, eight hours

bike - 38 miles, 3.5 hours

hike - 30 miles, eight hours

Friday, July 19, 2024

Samantha Fish

Down week, been busy with SAR stuff and dogsitting.

Still summer for a while, but given our super early morning dog hikes we can already tell the sun is rising later.  Here's Mook checking out the sun at the break of dawn.

While on the subject of good scenery, we caught Samantha Fish last night.  Such a great show!  She played with Slash and Warren Haynes in Denver last night and is opening for The Rolling Stones this weekend, and still squeezed in a show in COS.

Dogs and BTMR volunteering and the grand opening of WestFax will keep me busy this weekend.  

Monday, July 15, 2024


Got the van out this weekend for some good altitude training.  Spent Friday and Saturday nights at Hoosier Pass, with a Saturday morning hike of 13,828' Mount Silverheels.  Ten mile hike all above 11,500'.  Mookie had the time of his life.

Down the pass to Broken Compass Brewing after the climb, dog was thoroughly pooped.

Not a bad week considering the heatwave and weekend trip.  The numbers:

run - 41 miles, 7.5 hours

ride - 57 miles, five hours

hike - 34 miles, 16 hours

Friday, July 05, 2024

catching up

We had a blast at Blues From The Top and I suspect we'll go again.  Not a big resort town guy but Winter Park had all we needed a short walk away and was very dog friendly.  Hideaway Park Brewing is one of my new favorites.

On Thursday I ran from my house to the summit of Pikes and back.  Just over 32 miles.  My 39th climb of Pikes, and I hatched a plan to hit my 50th summit on my 50th birthday.  My summit house lunch was $17.

Mookie turned three years old on Thursday.  He celebrated with hikes and treats and a trip to Fossil.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lake City

Things went fairly well for me at the San Juan Solstice.  Ran strong for the first 30 miles and thought I might be able to sneak in under twelve hours.  Unfortunately, everything started hurting after that and I bet I lost a good 45 minutes due to my failure to attack the downhill portions of the last 20 miles.  The last four-ish downhill miles were particularly ugly.  But I fought hard to keep moving forward, and I can't be too disappointed with my 12:33 as I predicted something a lot closer to 14 hours.  

Yuengling at mile 40, Ska Brewing Rue B. Soho Grapefruit Lager (not a normal pick for me but it tasted wonderful in the heat) at Vickers (mile 46ish) and a tallboy of PBR at the Packer Saloon (mile 49.9).  Good times.

Came back home and passed my SAR emergency medical responder exam.  Classes are finally over for me.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


About to head down to Lake City.  Been a long time since I've gone that far and I'm both nervous and excited.  Course seems to be in good shape and the weather looks good.

Made the SAR social media rounds the other day.

A few more pics of Hood I came across:

Monday, June 17, 2024

the week

Solid week.  Lots of SAR stuff - worked the annual golf tournament, did some dog training up at the Academy on Saturday, and did my first ever incline rescue.  

Decent long run on Sunday in the heat, 17 miles up Longs Ranch Road to Barr Camp and back down.

run - 52 miles, 10.5 hours

ride - 23 miles, 2.5 hours

hike -  23 miles, 9.5 hours

Throwing my hat back into the ultra world on Saturday at the San Juan Solstice.  Feel pretty good about my chances of a finish there but it's been a long time and you never know.  Hoping for a sub 14 hour finish.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bob Schneider

Solid week, including a trip to Lulu's to see Austin favorite Bob Schnneider.  The next day, though fairly hungover, I got up to Barr Camp via the incline.  Then a two hour road run on Saturday.  No Garden ten miler for me this year, SAR did a mock missing person mission up on the Pikes Peak Highway so I was up there all morning.

Another highlight for the week: $100 and I are signed up for this in December '25.

For the week:

run - 61 miles, 13 hours

ride - 41 miles, four hours

hike - 28 miles, 11.5 hours

Two weeks until Lake City!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Incredible trip out to Oregon.  The mountain was waiting for us even before we landed.

Hood is quite the grind but it's nothing we weren't ready for.  On Thursday we woke up at midnight and started hiking at 2AM.  Just under six hours later I was drinking a beer on the summit.

It's mostly a steep slog up snow and ice, but the crux is the final quarter mile or so which is a ~50% grade snow climb.  Doesn't sound so steep if you've never done this but a fall could be pretty bad.  

Pretty long day, 11.5 hours total for the climb, plus the early wake up.  We headed to Hood River for pizza and beers before finishing up in Portland for the day.  Stayed in a great neighborhood there, Ladd's Addition, which had quite a few quality drinking establishments within walking distance.

Took a trip to Eugene on Friday to visit Pre's Rock, Hayward Field, and Track Town Pizza.  Got in a nice five mile run on Pre's trail.

Got in a few early morning coffee hikes to explore Mt Tabor Park and the downtown riverwalk in Portland, but most of our two days there was spent exploring all the breweries and dive bars we could.  

Landed in COS at 3:30PM on Sunday, and the SAR alarm went out at 4:30PM.  Back to the grind.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

red leg 10k

Solid week.  

Tues - bike commute 39, ten miles there and eleven back home.  CityRock 65 at lunch.

Wed - run commute 36, six miles each way.

Thurs - took the day off work to join SAR in a missing person search down near Bishop's Castle.  The moment we left rescue base the girl turned up.  Used the day off to get in a 2.5 hour run over at Section 16.

Fri - bike commute 40, then an easy five miler on the Garden trails in the evening.

Sat - ten miles on the COVID loop, was going to go further but got a SAR call for a broken ankle in Cheyenne Canon.

Sun - awesome long run.  Ute, Longs Ranch, Bob's, then Barr Trail up until I hit heavy snow around 11,000 feet.  Barr Trail is clear up to half mile past the Bottomless Pitt sign.  20 miles.

For the week:

run - 65 miles, 14 hours

ride - 68 miles, 6.5 hours

hike - 28 miles, 12 hours

On Monday I ran the annual Red Leg 10k.  Somehow they messed up the turnaround and I ended up running 6.5 miles, finishing in 47:21.  Hit the 10k mark at just under 45.  

Been a good stretch for me.  In the last 2.5 weeks I have an 18 mile road run, the Colfax 'thon, a 20 miler on Pikes, and a good effort at the 10k.  This week will be a bit down as I travel to Portland tomorrow for the Hood attempt.

Monday, May 20, 2024


The time will come when I'm no longer able to run a road marathon hungover, but that day is not here yet!

Annual trip up to run the Colfax 'thon.  Marcus King on Saturday night, then up early on Sunday to run the race.  Day went much better than expected and I end up finishing in 4:17, including stops at two bars, two lawn parties, and a jello shot.

Saw PG at the Lakeview Lounge right before mile ten.

Got in an unexpected Mike H sighting on Colfax Ave, he was (I think) near mile 18 and I was around mile 12.  I believe I was watching his dreams of a sub three die at that point.

$100 and Mookie were spectating the race at Reverence Brewing, it was nice to see the right before mile 25.

For the week:

run - 62 miles, 10.5 hours

ride - 51 miles, five hours

hike - 23 miles, ten hours

Got an early morning SAR call out on Monday.  Got to go out with one of the dogs looking for a missing dementia patient.  Ended up finding the guy at Wines of Colorado.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hood training

Another decent week.  On Sunday the Mt Hood team (minus Kircher) got up to St. Mary's Glacier to practice some basic mountaineering stuff.  Good times!  Two weeks until we fly to Portland to attempt that mountain.

For the week:

run - 52 miles, 9.5 hours

ride - fifty miles, five hours

hike - 25 miles, 9.5 hours

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Barr Camp

Good long run on Saturday as I got up to Barr Camp.  Trail is clear up to that point, lots of snow after that.  It's melting fast though.

Had a SAR training on Sunday.  My first training as part of the team.  Practiced high angle rescue, which is getting to someone stuck on a cliff.  Pretty beat after that and spent the rest of the day at Red Leg and Fossil.

For the week:

run - 54 miles, eleven hours

ride - 34 miles, 3.5 hours

hike - 27 miles, twelve hours