Tuesday, December 16, 2008

parrot predictor

My current parrot predictor thing that Wiley sent me says I'll run Austin in 4:05:12.


Carie said...

I'm still faster than that, which tells me that predictor is totally wrong. Sadly, you are faster than me. Have you ever used the McMillan predictor?

brownie said...

While I dig the logic behind the parrot predictor, I don't think it works for people who tend to run most of their miles on difficult/hilly trails (and hence have a much slower average pace). I use the runner's world race predictor and usually am close to that. I'm actually in 3:10 shape (based on recent races) and will have no problem running that in Austin.

Carie said...

That sounds a lot more like your speed, whew. I was a little worried there.