Tuesday, January 04, 2011


AM - Was hoping to hit the track for my usual 4 x 1600m. I knew the CC track was a mess, and with the Sunrise Striders going there today it would have been crowded, so I decided to hit the local middle school cinder track instead. Big mistake, the entire track was under snow. So instead I did an easy hour, 5.7 miles, and will head to the track tomorrow.

PM - Easy 4.3 miles with the dog, 49 minutes.

Signed up for the 10K at the Yeti Chase. Hope to go sub 40 there.


Jeremy said...

there is a brand new high school track about 500 yards from my house. I went to try and run it the other day and found a big ole padlock. WEAK. My taxes pay for it, I should get to use it.

brownie said...

Find someone slower than you, then hop the fence with him for a workout.

Jeremy said...

i'm not sure there is anyone slower than me.