Thursday, January 20, 2011


AM - Easy nine through the Garden, 1:25:52. 14F this morning, but not much wind so it wasn't too horrible. Jacked up some muscle in my back while sleeping on Tuesday night, which leaves me unable to look to my left as well as making it difficult to breathe. The looking left thing can be overcome, but the difficulty in breathing kind of sucks for a runner.

PM - Hard 45 minutes at the gym, working on shoulders and arms, followed by 2.6 miles on the treadmill while watching the Wisconsin hoops game. Have to work on pretending to like some Wisconsin teams, trying to minimize the time I'm gonna spend in the doghouse after Pittsburgh whoops the Packers in the super bowl.


Anonymous said...

Get a 30 minute trigger pt massage and all of your woes will be gone. Works for me every time!

Brooks said...

Breathing is overrated... why don't you just stop and save the oxygen for the rest of us?... er, I mean, get better?

HappyTrails said...

Sounds like a rib out - I do that when I wake up with my arm behind my head. Know a chiropractor by chance?