Wednesday, January 26, 2011


AM - few laps around the local park with the dog, 2.5 miles, 24 minutes. Heel was screaming at me again. One of the reasons I'm taking a longer than usual taper for NOLA is to finally put this nagging heel/plantar thing behind me for good. Wore my sanuks to work yesterday and that seemed to put me back a few steps. Who woulda thunk it, but going barefoot may not be the best thing in the world if your feet are hurting...

PM - Four miles, 30:00


Local Mind Media said...

NEVER go barefoot with PF, not even when you just get up to go to the bathroom. Where shoes with support too.

Local Mind Media said...

that's "wear"

dug deep said...

Have you tried the golfball massage? BTW, the golfball doesnt go where you think it does.