Monday, February 01, 2010

Hardrock lottery

The lottery is this weekend, starting to get nervous. 409 people are trying to get in so far. After all the automatic guys are accounted for, I figure about 100 slots will be available for almost 400 lottery players. I'll have three tickets, last year that woulda given me a 45% chance of getting in, little bit lower this year since there are more entrants.


Nick said...

Not looking good for first-timers like myself. Figure one-ticket holders have a 15% chance of getting pulled, or one in 7 and a bit. About the same as WS, so slim. No tears here if I don't get pulled.

Ideally, I'll be sitting in the top ten on the waitlist come race day, so I can come down and make a gametime on whether I want to run, and volunteer if not.

brownie said...

Neal T from Barr Camp was #1 on the waitlist going into race weekend last year. He didn't get to run...

I'll be in Silverton that weekend regardless. Hopefully running, but if not volunteering and pacing.

AJW said...


I am getting nervous about it as well. I also have three tickets and am hoping that for once the lottery gods are looking kindly on me. If not, I'll just have to go down there anyway and make sure nobody dnf's:)