Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Had planned on running from my house down to Quinn's and then doing the long loop, having a few beers, and running back home. Instead, I drove down and walked over to Sam's, the World's Smallest Bar, with new Kimchi transplant Hoover Damn. We had a beer there, watched all the Quinn's wankers run by, and then walked back to the cheap Laughing Lab pints. Good time though, saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while.

In other news, the Pirates are still undefeated and the Nuggets beat the Lakers last night!


Late Nite Drive Thru said...

get it right - it's Hoover DAAAMN!!!

brownie said...

No, it's now Hoover WAAAANK! She totally bailed on the Incline last night!

Late Nite Drive Thru said...

I don't care what you call her to her face - as long as her Kimchi mug is spelled correctly!