Friday, August 01, 2008

my first dyno!

NAILED my first dyno at the rock gym over lunch! About time too, it had been a while since I had seen any improvement in my rock skills. Didn't even think about it, just did it because the alternative was to fall about four feet flat onto my back. Was so psyched that after the move I took a short rest and did ten pull ups for the first time ever. BEEFCAKE!

They put up a bunch of new bouldering routes on one of the walls at the gym, most of them just slightly out of my comfort zone. So that should push me to improve. Yeti, you gotta get your drunk ass down here sometime! I'd get Susan down there, but the country club where she works has obviously rubbed off on her and she doesn't hang with us dirtbags anymore.

In other climbing news, I've named the short, curly haired blonde chick that works at the front desk as my local sports girl crush #3.

#1 was Mel from CorePower yoga, but that turned sour once the good weather came to Colorado and I stopped working out indoors (plus, I heard she left there). Got a lot of flack from others in the class (hot yoga classes are about 95% female - I think they were all jealous) because everyone friggin' loved the other teacher, Norelco. Norelco weighed about 90 pounds and looked like she may have eaten a lima bean once, about five years ago, but immediately barfed it right back up.

#2 didn't last long, she was fired because I actually met her. It's no fun stalking someone you know.

#3 should be good to go for a while. I've been climbing for a while now, and the proximity of the gym to my office means I'll be going there for some time. I've seen her climb, and she's light years ahead of me, so I don't see us bouldering together anytime soon. No idea of her name (I'll make one up soon) and she only knows me as #6608. I think she's a college student too, which adds to her mystique. My loyal readers can look forward to daily updates of our interactions...

1 comment:

Yeti said...

Congrats on the dyno!! Great feeling to actually stick one. As for me getting my drunk ass down there...well leaving the hills is rough so much damn noise and traffic and way to many people!!! Let me know what your week looks and lets plan a bit of climbing followed by the carbo reload ala PBR.