BLOS, who finished in 1:13:04-
Former Pikes Peak hasher and sometimes current Boulder hasher, Bungholio (1:22:11) -
$100 Fuck, who kept whining about something lame all morning, finishing in 1:52:25 -
Boulder harriette Facial, wondering how I had time to finish, grab a PBR, change, and still meet her at the finish line to get this picture. She won some lame hardware for her 1:15:00 finish -
P2H4 wanker and full time Kimchi hater Midnite Stroker, finishing her very first competitive event ever (1:40:30) -
NASCOCK, who took some time off from waging the war on terror via TDY trips to Hawaii to get his ass handed to him by a 50+ year old P2H3 harriette. MAJ Cock finished in 1:44:33 -
Can't remember the last time Hoover Damn was at a hash, but she showed up today and ran 1:52:01:
Awwwww...what a cute little hash family of racists.
Ten miles, no sweat! That's how we roll in the Colorado hash!
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