Sunday, June 15, 2008


Woohoo! My first ever 100 mile week! Struggled on tired legs over the Ute Pass/Waldo loop this afternoon, but finally finished with a well deserved ice bath in Fountain Creek. Real good week, with my big Pikes run yesterday and a 3+ hour run today. If I were beginning my taper for Hardrock today, I'd feel pretty good about my chances as I've been working my ass off since January. Luckily for me though, I have two more weeks of hard training - including the San Juan Solstice on Saturday, two 14ers on Sunday, and the Leadville training camp the weekend after that.

My goal for San Juan is to break 12 hours - this gets one the cannibal award (a different colored hat). My two previous San Juans have netted me the survivor award - finishing from 12 hours to 16 hours. I'm not tapering for this race and the course is going to be rough with all the snow, but I'm in much better shape than I have been since I moved to Colorado, so I'm gonna go for it.


Impala Mama said...

Awesome! Good luck!

Carie said...

I think I broke 10.11 miles this week!