Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Colorado Springs

I've been super giddy lately because Colorado Springs finally got some respect from Craig's List. Someone on the rants & raves section described the town as:

"a godawful reactionary militaristic hyperchristian hellhole."

Good stuff!


dayoldfish said...

damn if that is the case for the town, you guys should go for the next interamericas bid, a couple thousand hashers in a town described like that would be fun

dayoldfish said...

cool I will be in Puerto Vaillarta, so I will vote for yous guys. I am sure it won't be like the debacle austin threw when they won the bid

The guy you never see said...

2009 eh? I will probably be back out West by then. Or unemployed and still out West. Or passed out somewhere on the planet. On-On to CoTex!

mike said...

Damn. Colorado Springs must have changed since I last lived in CO. So sad. Or maybe we just hung around with the few cool people?

Rafael said...

Suh-weeeeeeet. Makes me want to move there.