Thursday, April 09, 2009

the taxman cometh...

Thanks to Chum for pointing this out.

The fat tax is getting more press! See the NY Times article here. It's a big fight ahead, as those opposed to this awesome idea - fat people and Big Beverege - have the numbers, passion, and money to put up a fight. But I bet this is how the initial anti-smoking crusade started too.

I love how the Times used the word "hefty" to describe the tax!

I pay several hundred dollars a month in health insurance. Because I choose to take care of myself, I very rarely see the inside of a hospital. The few times I have been in one it hasn't been too difficult to notice that the vast majority of people there are there because of poor and unhealthy lifestyle habits I'm sick of paying out the wazoo for fat people because they can't be bothered to drop a few pounds.

While I'm on my rant, I'd love to see 'em tax the fuck out of all the sins. Including alcohol and gas, which would have big consequences on me (alcohol would be a lot worse than gas for me - such is the beauty of my life).


Carie said...

I heart NY.

Smut Mutt said...

Did a conservative hack your account; you suddenly make sense...

Bottom line: People who don't care about their health don't deserve health care.