Tuesday, November 07, 2006

end women's suffrage!

I was reading in today's CS Gazette about some of the history of mudslinging in Colorado elections (I was in line at 8AM to vote today, FYI). Anyways, I thought I'd share this passage, since it deals with two of my favorite things, booze and chicks:

"Young man, if you don't want a female lawyer, doctor, or politician for a wife, but would prefer a woman who will be a good companion, homemaker, wife, and mother, then vote and induce all your friends to vote against equal suffrage," read a flier funded by the Denver Brewers Association. The group also warned that if women could vote, saloons would close.

Backers countered with the rallying cry, "Let the women vote! They can't do it any worse than the men have!"

Apparently, that struck a chord. Colorado became the second state to give women the right to vote.

All women in the United States didn't gain that right until 1920. That same year, prohibition started, and the saloons closed.

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