Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm gonna be famous!

Got this e-mail today from Dave Phillips, a reporter for the Colorado Springs Gazette who writes the Out There section and also does the Springs Out There blog linked on the margin of this page.

"I hear you’re doing the Hard Rock. I’d like to do a story for the Colorado Springs Gazette’s Out There section on the race, following you guys through the process and the race. Would you be open to having a reporter tag along?"

Seems like he wants to follow two locals on their journey to (and hopefully through) Hardrock.

Autographed copies will be available. For a price, of course.

1 comment:

Impala Mama said...

Sweet!!! Maybe you could autograph one of your cankle socks for me? I am so excited, I must scamper off and tell all of my friends!
You should tell the guy you are 101 so that your story has a chance of making national news.