Sunday, March 30, 2008


Went out and bought me a fancy scale (it weighs me and can figure out my body fat %). Got on it this morning and I was down to 169.4 pounds. Only .4 pounds away from my goal weight. But wait...went and took a huge dump, stepped back on the scale, and I was down to 168.0 pounds! Woohoo! Pretty good pile 'o turds at 1.4 pounds, glad I got that out before the Incline Club.

In other news, I jacked up my ankle again at yesterday's Kimchi hash. Hurts like a bitch this morning. We'll see how it responds at the IC run. Had to sacrifice my body to be FRB.


TitsOnTheRitz said...

Hurray for poop! Drink for whining!

Impala Mama said...

Think you can make it to 151 by tomorrow?