Monday, March 31, 2014


Happy with the month.  36 hours on the bike, 32 hours running, 6.5 hours of hard hiking with the dog, and eleven lunch hour strength sessions (either the YMCA or CityRock).  This is about all the time I can squeeze out of the month and still keep a wife, so I'll look to add more quality to these numbers instead of increasing the number of hours.

Speaking of quality, Marc and I rode our bikes to the Rails and Ales beer fest at Left Hand over the weekend.  Report to follow, but it was an awesome time.  Plus, I stole a bunch of shit from Fuller's house since he was in Disneyland getting his ass kicked by earthquakes.  Look for that stuff on ebay soon.


mtnrunner2 said...

"He was in Disneyland getting his ass kicked by earthquakes" > Heh. My brother is now living in that natural disaster known as Southern California, so I have to humor him when he talks about fires, mudslides, droughts, and earthquakes. Yawn. He should have moved to CO, where stuff just catches on fire or washes away in floods.

GZ said...

Maybe you stole a helmet?