Wednesday, March 04, 2009

i'm a genius!

Hell yeah, check out the pics below! I took them via my phone over lunch and sent them directly to my blog! And I figured out how to do that on my very own, with no help from anyone else!

Since I took the bus to work today I wasn't able to get to the rock gym. So instead I went for a hike around Lake Sinton. Saw Tommy the Turtle and got some cool views of Pikes Peak. Saw my first robins of the year as well, but they wouldn't sit still for a photo.

My run home tonight should be a good one - Sante Fe trail south, through Bear Creek to Section 16, then Intemann back to Manitou. Hafta take it easy because I plan on destroying everyone tomorrow morning at the CRUD hill climb.


MW said...

yeah! a genius!

now if you can only figure out how to delete the stupid signature you have as a tag on all emails you send out so it doesn't say blackberry by tmobile on every photo, your skills of figuring things our all on your own will really be impressive.

brownie said...

I was just about to start working on a cure for cancer, but I'll figure out the tag thing first...

Carie said...

You have to tell me how to. I have no clue.

MW said...

Me, here are the details I emailed JT so he could "figure it out all on his own":

In your blog's dashboard settings tab, click on "EMAIL". That's where you create an email address... to email photos to.

Pretty simple. Even JT figured it out all on his own!