Tuesday, March 24, 2009

end the war!

By far the dumbest war we're currently fighting is the so-called war on drugs. Here's a good article on why we should end it, obviously written by some stoned deadhead from High Times magazine. Oh wait, it's from cnn.com, and the guy is an economics professor from Harvard.

Can't believe I live in a country where I can buy cigarrettes, alcohol, guns, and double bacon cheeseburgers (not that I have a problem with any of those), but I'm looking at jail time if I wanna smoke marijuana.

I am, however, very much behind the upcoming war on fat people!


machete said...

here here. Feds have made the decision to not go after California pot clubs that are established legally now. (in essence, respecting the state laws that allow them)

legalize it and tax it. alcohol is way worse than marijuana...hence why I drink a lot of it. lol

Smut Mutt said...

Careful about taking on the obese. Rosie O'Donnel will hunt you down & then Sally Struthers will eat you Godzilla-style.