Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Looks like one of the sleeziest bars of the cesspool that is downtown Colorado Springs, Rum Bay, might be closing! Read about it here.

I've been to Rum Bay once, just to add it to my list, and I felt like I should have immediately gone home and taken a shower as soon as I walked in. There's a bunch of bars downtown - Scum Bay, Cowboy's, Quinn's, Old Chicago, Rondezvous, the Ritz, Southside Johnny's, Thirsty Parrot, Bar V, McCabes, Sam's, the Vue, Jose Muldoon's, and a few other yuppie joints I'm sure I'm forgetting. The whole scene just reeks of drama and desperation and people thinking they're a lot more important than they really are. "Million Dollar Client" type people, as Net would say.

Lost in that pit are some decent bars - Oscar's (which also might lose it's liquor license), Tony's, the Triple Nickel, Benny's, and 15C (where you can still smoke a cigar!). I rarely get to these fine bars anymore just because of their too-close-to-downtown location. If I'm anywhere near there nowadays and need a drink, I just head up Nevada a few blocks to the Murphy's/Robin Hood/Navajo/ComCor area, where the chances of you getting stabbed in the back are the same but at least it will be by a real knife.

Guess I'm spoiled by having lived in places with great downtown pub scenes - Pittsburgh, Philadelphia (much of our country's history was written in pubs I drank at as a bike messenger), Austin (which is slowly being killed off and will resemble a bigger Colorado Springs in time). Even Denver is a lot of fun, I'd much rather drive the hour to get up there to booze up than ride my bike 20 minutes to drink in downtown CS.

Unfortunately, Rum Bay makes too much money for all involved, so I'm sure it won't close. Oh well, at least this keeps all the downtown folks from bringing their baggage to the good bars in the area.


Impala Mama said...

I am in complete agreement with you. I think you are right about Rum Bay staying around, unfortunately....haven't they had their license taken away a few times before? It is just like lame-o sports players who do horrible things all the time (:::cough, cough::: Carmello...) and get to keep playing because they bring in so much money. Sad.
I know it is not just Mr. Anthony who makes bad choices, by the way, so there is no need to respond with info about the stuff everyone else does...think that just further proves my point, don't you? Here here for crappy little hole-in-the-walls!!!

brownie said...

It's in that "seven shitty bars in one shitty building" place downtown, so even if their license is pulled it will re-open under another name.

I know you told me not to respond but I'm still gonna point out that Kobe raped a girl and got away with it. Rape is worse than DUI. Nuggets are much better than lakers, except maybe when it comes to basketball.

Impala Mama said...

I understand your anger towards me, as a woman it is nice to know that you would quickly take the side of a possible sexual assault victim. The only thing that many people seem to overlook is that Kobe was never actually proven to have raped this woman. I understand that I can easily be viewed as a biased Lakers' fan by continuing to support Kobe after the accusation. However, we do still live in a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. Unless, of course, you are in Denver and everyone screams out "Rapist, rapist' as you shoot free throws...
Trust me, I could write an eighteen page essay on this particular subject. I really vacillate. Rape accusations are very serious. Anyone who falsely claims sexual assault is doing such a disservice to so many, many people in the community. Moreover, someone who gets away with such an atrocity due to fame or wealth is incredibly horrible as well. I truly hope, and actually believe, that Kobe had fun with a chick (and cheated on his wife--booo!) but that it was consensual and that is why he was not convicted. If there is ever a retrial or he is ever convicted of anything else, I will quickly throw him in my pile of 'Loser overpaid sports stars who believe they are above the law.' Until that time, I will continue to see Bryant as a well spoken, driven, amazing basketball player who is well on his way to yet another championship and hopefully a well deserved MVP.

brownie said...

It's a sad commentary when people can say, "hey, all he did was cheat on his wife, it's not so bad, he's a swell guy."

Impala Mama said...

Haha, very good point. BUT, there is a huge difference between cheating on your spouse and raping someone. Nuggets fans do not yell out, "cheater, cheater!" when Kobe is on court. And although entirely unethical, it is not illeagal to cheat on your wife. It is, however, illegal to put people's lives in danger by driving drunk on more than one occasion. It is also illeagal to use illicit drugs. Aggravated assault is also normally follwed up by a visit with the po po. Yes, Mr. Bryant has made some bad choices in his past, but he has not broken laws and been a reckless, inconsiderate, citizen who acts as though he is above the law. If everyone could just be as good as you and me, brownie. Jeez, the world would be perfect, Jesus and Spaghetti Monster in loving harmony...

brownie said...

Isn't it against the ten commandments to cheat on your wife? Didn't see anything concerning booze when I watched that movie. Do you have to follow all the commandments or is it a pass/fail at 60% type of thing?

Impala Mama said...

We are discussing government and the legal system, not religion. I think they are still separate here...

Impala Mama said...

When are we going to compromise and be the perfect example Je-S-ter friends again?


I think we should have some make up burgers at Purple Castle when you get back from your little weekend jog.

brownie said...

Yes, we should put aside our differences and settle things peacefully at the purple castle. You're going to ruin my rep though, I usually only take skanks I banged the night before to King's Chef. My "pole of glory" hasn't had a new sticker in a long time.

Impala Mama said...

It is not my fault you are turning into an old man. Having twelve kids isn't skanky enough for you? are tough. Ok, so when do we eat? If we went today we would have to wear sombreros, of course. We still have ours from Tony' you?

brownie said...

I have lost two sombreros from Tony's. But I am going back today to get a new one!

Impala Mama said...

Yay! Have fun

brownie said...

I'll be there at noon if you wanna join me. The Griffmeister's first cinco de mayo sombrero! You're a bad parent if you keep him in the house on this joyous day!

Impala Mama said...

Sadly, Cinco De Mayo has always been the first big day out for all of my babies...
Griff started his first day out early, with a hash, which probably will make him a better person. But I do think I will take him out to a lowrider show and to get some tattoos this afternoon. My Mom has been desperately trying to get me to start drinking, so she would probably up for watching the other kids while I went to the bar. I will let you know if I can fit it in between the tattoos and such. Enjoy the pbr.

brownie said...

Jesus doesn't like liars, C-4. He told me so at the bar, wearing his sombrero. He wanted to surprise you, but you didn't show up. He's very sad. After his third shot of jager he said you were a bad mother. And he pointed out that he meant a bad mother to your children, not a bad muthafucker.

Impala Mama said...

That makes me very, very sad. I am sorry I let you both down. I would, however, like to point out that my Jesus WAS at Tony's slammin' shots....WHERE was FSM? Maybe he is French and was sad about their 5/05/1862 loss? Wishing I were a bad mutha' rather than a bad mother....

Impala Mama said...

By the way, did you notice who won MVP?