Monday, October 23, 2006

Kimchi shirts

Thinking of taking orders for CKH3 shirts. Not sure what the overall design would be, but the emphasis would be on the design pictured above. Kimchi mismanagement is unable to keep any extra hash cash in the bank as we immediately spend anything we have on booze, so these would be a prepaid deal. Would like to keep the shirts under $15, then charge everyone $15 so I could finance a good binge. Let me know if you're interested.


Nick said...

Also, if anyone else has any ideas, I think they should feel free to chime in.

We need to put something else on the shirts besides the logo. Maybe a piece of poop?

Jes said...

Yup, I'm interested...

Nick said...

It was the poop part that reeled you in, right?

(I knew it!)

Gagger said...

I want one. I love the Kimchi Crew!

Rafael said...

I'm interested in one

dayoldfish said...

totally need a kimchi shirt

dayoldfish said...

oh and why was this not posted on the kimchi list, what a slacker of a GM

brownie said...

None of yunz are worthy of Kimchi swag, but you're lucky I need beer money.

I pissed on Gagger at TXIH, and she liked it. I see she's moved onto other things.

Fish, it was on the super secret Kimchi list, which you are not on!

Doc Savage said...

I want a damn shirt and can't even spell Kimchi never less eat.

Spotty said...

I'd like a pretty baby blue color one. Don't know how that would work out with the purty baby blue logo. I have red shirts, I have white shirts, I have black shirts, I have gray shirts. I even have a yellow and orange one. I want a baby blue shirt dammit!