Wednesday, June 23, 2010

praise the lord and pass the bong!

Could be a new church coming to the Springs. This one may not be quite as annoying as some of the mega-churches though. See the story here. FYI, the guy in the story was ordained by the Universal Life Church, the same peeps who gave me my religious superpowers.

The comments should be pretty good, here are a few of the good ones so far:

How are they going to get home from service? "Obviously they're going to take the church "bus", a 1961 VW minibus complete with tie-dye paint job and shag carpet interior."

"The last time I went to church I ended up married so I don't go to those places any more. Too scary, however a few hits, a little communion wine. Maybe it's time to seek the lord again ??"

"Moses smoked the burning bush? That would explain a lot. 40 years to cross the Sinai which is an 11 day guided tour on a camel? That's stoned."

1 comment:

Shad Mika said...

Should have figured there was one right outside of Boulder in Ned, hippie central.