Monday, May 24, 2010

Jemez DNF

Huge disappointment at Jemez over the weekend. That whole leg/hip/glute thing that destroyed my Boston PR dreams was acting up again. Can't figure out what the hell is going on with that. Some days I don't notice it. And other days it keeps me from running. I'm going to take one more stab at a long run at Dirty Thirty, but if that doesn't go well I'm bailing on Bighorn, I'm not gonna drive all the way up there to embarrass myself like I did in Los Alamos.

Still had a fun weekend though. Started with some Purple Castle, hung out in a beautiful part of New Mexico all weekend, checked out Taos on the way back. Good times!


Anonymous said...

That sucks! Hope you get better soon!

Mike said...

Sounds like it's time to use up those work benefits and talk to every doc that will see you. We child free folks have to rack up some MRI bills every once in a while to get even with those parents whose pregnancies and sick kids usually eat up all the benefit $'s.

That's right, that's my solution for the health care crisis, everybody goes to the doctor enough times until we're all even. There may be a couple flaws in that plan, but I'm not a math major.

Get better soon. I might have to actually run if I can't vicariously celebrate your ultra finishes. The horror!

Carie said...

Are you still doing yoga? Maybe ask the yoga instructor for some stretches specific to the area?

weaves said...

I'd wait til the inflammation dies and then do some strengthening. All you need is maybe ten minutes two to three days a week.
Obviously we'd all rather spend that time running and logging miles. Sometimes that supplementary shit is necessary though.
Look up some of Jay Johnson's general strength stuff. Its effective, time efficient, and would probably remedy some of the troubles.

brownie said...

Hospitals are for pussies, I'll never go to one again. I HATE having to be around all those fat and sick people.

Ran 1:20 over in Red Rock Canyon just now and it was fine. And I didn't notice it while hammering the entire Grand Canyon. Just can't get it figured out.

MW said...

ART Active Release Technique.
find one in your town and go just one time. they'll figure it out. stop being an idiot like i was during boston training and go.

AJW said...

Nice dnf! I'd add it to the other great ones but a tweaked leg is actually pretty legit, especially when compared to dnf'ing so you don't miss your flight. Get better for Leadville. It'll be fun to drink pbr's on Hope Pass.

Jesse said...

go see Tony Doneson at 447-0859. He is one of the best at Active Release Therapy. Or keep suffering. Your choice.