Tuesday, December 29, 2009

as the world turns...

Trouble in Mayberry. Read about it here. I'm not a big fan of Manitou's finest, mostly because I can't stand how all of them hang out on duty at 7-11 eating donuts and getting fatter. But hopefully this Mason clown loses his badge. I run past his house all the time, and his dog always comes at me. There's a fence in between us, but I'm certain that if the dog ever got out it would lock down on my arm.

Best Gazette comment so far: "What "Daddy Mason" forgot to mention in this "heartbreaking" story was how many late night alcohol fueled blowout fights this officer had with his wife while his "son" sat outside barking all night long-I know this because I was fortunate enough to be one of this man's neighbors-we really miss having you in the hood, almost as much as we miss having you on the force."

Unfortunately, sometimes violence against a woman is justified, and Katie is gonna get pistol whipped when I get home tonight for trying to sneak seafood into my lasagne. Sometimes you just gotta put a bitch in her place, yo!


Anonymous said...

You are 100% right about that dog. I ran by that douche bags house all the time and that dog wanted to kill me everytime. I was so happy to see him/them finally leave. It really made me feel safe when I would walk or run by there with my kids and that stupid dog came at a 10 and 7 year old like that. What a great example for a cop. Although I do have to disagree with you on one thing- the cops in MS tend to hang out at Savellis and Subway as much as 7-11. You can get fat off of pizza and subs just like donughts.

brownie said...

You're definitely right about Savelli's, I see them there as well. Smart idea for a police department having PR issues to hang out in uniform at a place that serves beer.