Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Texas run #12

So I've been helping a few newbies recently, some of whom are thinking of training for their first ultra. It's a very difficult switch to make from road running, as you hafta completely change your way of thinking. The pace is slow, you take walking breaks, you eat during the run, all of these are completely foreign concepts to road dorks. Anywho, I keep stressing to folks the importance of trying things during training to make sure they work on race day. Case in point: I often drink ensure during my long races. It tastes good, it has a lot of calories, and I can down a bottle and keep moving forward without having any stomach issues. I drank over 5000 calories of the stuff during Leadville. So for me it works well. But I'm also somewhat of a cheap bastard, and yesterday when I was at the store I figured I'd save a buck and get the HEB knockoff drink. And I had one before my run today. And, wow, let's just say I'm really glad there are a lot of port-o-shitters around Lackland.

Got back to the gym after the run, my shoulder is finally feeling decent again. Hope it's not too sore tomorrow. Gonna actually take a rest day tomorrow since I've been pushing pretty hard lately. And by rest day, I mean I'm gonna hit the gym again after school and then head over to the San Antonio H3 full moon hash.

Time - 63:53
Distance - 7.0 miles
Challenge - 172 miles
Distance behind Lulu - 97.3 miles

1 comment:

Outdoorgirl said...

Glad to see your running like a mad man. I was worried for a few thinking Lulu was going to really kick your ass........