Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Off on a long roadtrip this weekend! Gonna head down to Ruidoso for the CoTex festivities. Plus I'm gonna get in some climbing, have a Sierra Blanca/Lookout Mountain double and a hike up White Horse Hill planned, all peaks over 10,000 feet.

Also debating adding a few extra hours to go check out the town of Truth or Consequences. Not sure what's there, it just sounds cool. Could also hit Roswell to look for more aliens (and drink more Roswell Alien Amber beer!).

Was planning on leaving Thursday, but now it looks like an early Friday departure. Might even have a passenger, Melissa (from Austin) is in town and might tag along.


Pittchick said...

Have a good time.

Doc Savage said...

Blow off T or C. We went there last week and you won't miss anything. Go for Roswll and let me know what you find!!!

PlaysByEar said...

Day Old Fish - 69
Fire Tunnel - 23

I think

PlaysByEar said...

Hey douchebag, how about giving us some choices on the new poll?

Gagger said...

So is our Saturday morning hike still on or what?

Heavin' said...

Alien Amber is good stuff! The truth is out there. Let me know if you find it in Roswell.