Friday, March 17, 2006

Pikes Peak's TXIH schedule...

This is tentative and subject to change, so don't yell at me.

5:00 PM - Pub crawl along Platte Road; convince MeatGazer not to go home with the guy at Knob Hill Lounge who hasn't showered in three days; convinve brownie not to go home with the Asian bartender at Irish House IV

11:00 AM - Beers at the Thirsty Turtle (SA hash bar)

2:00 PM - Burgers and beers at the Crown & Wanker.

5:45 PM - Hit the beginning of the pub run at Runtex (not a hash event, just a good excuse to drink beer)

6:00 PM - Lovejoy's. May or may not do the entire pub crawl, since Fish is behind it and he'll try to be creative and it'll turn out gay. Will definitely hit LJ's and Mugshot's and maybe some of the Red River dives, then find out where the trail ends.

9:30 AM - 60 minute run on the Barton Creek Greenbelt trails.
Noonish - Head down to Llano. Stops at roadside pubs as needed.

All day - SPLORK! entire Austin hash at least twice; dominate 3Man; run the ballbuster in less than 45 minutes; draw on Ass Gagger with sharpies; tell everyone in a very loud voice that this is the worst TXIH ever; convince Tuck It to play Late Night Drive Thru in our skit entitled, "here's how LNDT broke her arm"; mooch jager off of everyone; throw up on Chlamydia; call Firetunnel every 15 minutes to tell her she's a wanker for bailing on TXIH;

2:00 PM - Chickenshit bingo? Lala's?

Noonish - Lunch at Rebekah's ranch; return to Colorado


Gagger said...

Looks like you have everything mapped out pretty well, except for that whole draw on @ss Gagger with Sharpies thing. Recall that I told you I would be marking YOU up with Sharpies!!!

brownie said...

I didn't go home with her, she came home with me. She's the bitch in the relationship!

Gagger, the second you pass out, I'm gonna write "PSYCHO CHICK" on your forehead, in permanent marker!

brownie said...

Yeah, that was after I threw up on you and had Padre clean it up!

brownie said...

Yes, Meat and I used to be freaks. We'd throw up on each other while other people watched. I've calmed down since my wild days, she's moved on to midgets...

Gagger said...

Thanks Meat. I'll be sure to find you so we can mess up that Brownie Boy together. :)

Barbara said...

Ick....too much puke talk.

dayoldfish said...

There will be some rather good bars on the pub run, I know you will like all of them except for maybe one. But as far as I know it is not a chain, so who knows

Unknown said...

hey AG, big sis, I will write all over brokeback's face with you, including a big weiner going into his mouth!! just like old times at poodle dog! i miss you AG!!!! i will bring some sharpies, but you should bring some as well, seeing we will have AG, Midget Porn Gagger, BATT, and MG all writing on brownie, we are sure to run out of ink!

BH said...

Awwww Turd Bird. I miss that boy and I saw him just last weekend. Good times, good times.

Someone write "Marquette Rules" on Brownie for me would you?

Gagger said...

BH: I chose Marquette in my bracket just for you....and they lost. :(

And I swear, I posted a comment that is now gone. Did Brownie delete it?!

Anyway....Midget Porn: I will have a plethora of Sharpies on hand!