Thursday, February 05, 2015


Rest day today.  Got up early to run and saw it was 21F.  Drank some coffee and cleaned the kitchen instead.  I'm so over winter.

Stole this one from Pikes Peak Sports.  Yeah, I blew by those two coffee drinking walker dudes!

Hit up the weekly Team RWB run from Red Leg last night.  Good times!

1 comment:

Andy said...

I hear you on the winter thing buddy. We have had gorgeous weather here for the most part this week and the forecast for the next few days is like April weather. The downside is that it is turning everything to slush and mud. But I have to admit, this has been a mild winter here I think, especially compared to last winter. That being said, I am getting off easy I think for my first full winter living in the mountains. I can't wait for some dry trails.