Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Looks like this year's CRUD eating contest will be the Krispy Kreme Challenge. 2 mile run, one dozen donuts, 2 mile run. Details TBA shortly...


Local Mind Media said...

I'll participate remotely. I think Utah's donuts only have 3.2% sugar.

trudginalong said...

Ha! Just use the incline. I'd love to see folks climbing it with a dozen donuts in hand.

Anonymous said...

Tonight, as usual, was a few miles, a pint, and a few miles back...you get your carbs your way....

brownie said...

Krispy Kreme is still open in Highlands Ranch. Perfect, since we have our resident South CRUD beotch Fast Eddy to pick up our supply.

There will be other way to get some carbs at the party. And I see no rules against drinking beer while downing the donuts.

slowrunner said...

mmmmmmmmmmm - forbidden donuts . . .