Wednesday, December 01, 2010


AM - You know it's early when you've been running for an hour and there's no sign yet of the sun coming up. 10.2 miles in a very sluggish 1:47.

Tony is out for the NF50 this weekend. I think he's just scared that some of us are coming up to run Green Mountain tonight and had to develop some lame injury to avoid getting his ass kicked on his home turf. Chautauqua at 6PM if anyone wants to join us...

I bet Fast Eddy comes up with an even lamer excuse for bailing...


trudginalong said...

What the hell are you doing in Denver? You running tomorrow morning early?

Shad Mika said...

Don't hurt yourself tonight, kind of steep for ya.

Unknown said...

Even with a sack of grapefruits I beat you up Green!