Thursday, December 30, 2010


Easy 4.5 with the dog last night, followed by a ton of Spotted Cow. And Wisconsin Bock. And a Fat Squirrel or two. Rewarded myself by taking today off.

Widespread Panic tonight. First time seeing them in a non-festival setting. Hoping to hit Elk Mountain and Wynkoop on the way there, but mother nature might make that tough. Someone let me know how the weather in Denver is...

Good heads up from Footfeathers on some of the cool beer happenings over the past year. Definitely gotta get me some of this in January:


Jeremy said...

where did you get spotted cow?! i love that beer and havent had it in forever!

trudginalong said...

weather/roads are pretty shitty on the side streets. not sure of the highways. already got in an accident, but I'm drinking now so all is good.

mike_hinterberg said...

Didn't see this in time, but yeah, roads are pretty slick.

"1 year = 365.242199 days"
So a lap around the track, and you're good.

What a delicious selection of beer you mention.

Brandon Fuller said...

Mike, you ruined it! I was so excited to see him fail by inches.

Good job, wanker.