Friday, January 03, 2020

rescue run/incline 1

Had zero plans for new years eve but that somehow ended up with way more beers than I should have, ending with us climbing up on the roof to watch the Peak fireworks.  Good times.

But that meant the Rescue Run was a wash for me.  It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be given the hangover, but my 48:44 wasn't anything to write home about.  Photo stolen from Tom Dewane.

Was still feeling like shit at 3PM but I sucked it up and headed over to the Incline.  Maybe this will be the year I hit 50 inclines?  Yeah, probably not.

Also signed up for some races.  The Lake City Alpine 50 and the local triple crown, including the Double.  $100 is signed up for the triple crown, with the Ascent, and with Chicago this will be her biggest running year ever.

One more race to sign up for, and depending on how life goes this next few days that will either be the Tioga Pass Run or the Rut.


GZ said...

You going to Double again?

brownie said...


GZ said...

I'll still stack my ascent in the PPM v. your straight up PPA.

brownie said...

This is the year I take you down in the Marathon!