Thursday, October 08, 2015

Red Rock Canyon

A few pics from Red Rock Canyon made the interwebs today.  The dog and I ran four miles here yesterday.  Love this place.

Seven miles on the Benny's loop this morning.  Threw in six three on/three off efforts for good measure.


MadMarmot said...

Think an indoor track has better scenery than that Red Rocks Canyon,and fewer bugs.And by the way,the hip internet crowd say's "doge",not dog,(showing your age).And also by the way,it's very taxing to prove i'm a Marmot,not a robot,maybe make it easier?

brownie said...

How do I get rid of that robot thing?

MadMarmot said...

Point of reference,NEVER take what i say serious,you don't want robot's lurking on your site,they are worse than trolls even.