My new apartment has an upstairs (where I live), a downstairs, and two huts out back. I already told you that one guy (Dave) in the huts is in a classic rock cover band and drinks malt liquor like there's no tomorrow. Turns out the guy in the other shack, who I had to help push his truck out of our neighbors lawn last night after it slid off the driveway, is in a Greatful Dead cover band called Shakedown Street. Check out their myspace page here. See the picture of the lead singer? We live at the same mailing address!
Other manitoids I've met since moving in:
-the crazy fisherman
-hawaiian shirt and shorts guy
-Jason the alcoholic air drummer/bartender
-the bearded hippie (Fun Tina actually went home with this guy!)
-Lloyd (some of yunz know him from Arctic)
So many stories of crazy personalities! Maybe when I finally get internet at my place I'll post all the stories...
Other manitoids I've met since moving in:
-the crazy fisherman
-hawaiian shirt and shorts guy
-Jason the alcoholic air drummer/bartender
-the bearded hippie (Fun Tina actually went home with this guy!)
-Lloyd (some of yunz know him from Arctic)
So many stories of crazy personalities! Maybe when I finally get internet at my place I'll post all the stories...
Can't wait to meet all of these people in February!
P.S. Go Flyers!!! Hee hee hee.
If anyone went home with the bearded hippy guy, it would have been YOU since you were hanging on his every word and wanted his picture. Plus, YOU invited him to your party...probably to bed him I'm sure, or maybe just to get a proxy popularity vote. You tourist.
Is the hawaiin shirt and shorts guy the same guy that we saw at the Mariner wearing a visor?
I have a pic of you and the bearded guy making out!
Yeah. He always wears shorts, a hawaiian shirt, and a visor. Saw him last night. It was snowing and freezing out, and he was there in his same outfit.
Fucking hippies.
Yeah, stupid hippies!!! The way they promote peace. The way they volunteer their time to help others. The way they donate part of their earnings to charitable causes. How disgusting is all of that?!!!
And that ram's skull in this post, clearly a hippie design which is obviously based on the hippie designed Steal Your Face.
Wait... being a hippie isn't necessarily a bad thing! Sorry, temporary insanity for a moment there. Must have been from all the hippie drugs I took years ago when following the Grateful Dead around.
Thankfully, many of, we mature and grow out of being a hippie while still maintaining some hippie ideals... and without those we be just like every other selfish American who doesn't give a crap about nothin'.
Anyway, if I'm in Denver I'll check out that band!
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