Today marks the 4th anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I'm so glad we did that country such big favors like dismantling their WMD operations, finally ending the partnetship between Osama and Saddam, and bringing a peaceful democracy to such a backwards country. I'll never forget the day I rolled into Iraq with the 4th ID (the Iron Horse brigade, FYI, so buy me a beer at tonight's hash happy hour) and the happy Iraqis met us with signs and shouts of "Hooray, our liberators are here!" Good times!

Yeah! You can buy me a drink too!!
Ummm.... would you like a check that is not torn, or did the bank take that one?
My liver called and told me to get on the Jager wagon for a while now.
I can't believe it's been four years. Damn. Yeah, I'll buy yunz some beer. Know a couple others that deserve one or two as well!
My unit was actually greeted with hugs and shouts of joy. A little girl even ran up to give me a flower.
It should also be mentioned that we were liberating Mosul, not Baghdad.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. While the people of the Central and Southern regions might not have been enthused, I met plenty of Kurds who were.
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