Wednesday, February 05, 2014

beer #36

AM - got up early and drank a ton of coffee.  No way I was going outside.

Had planned to spend the day inside goofing off with the dog.  Office was closed as we follow D-11 here in the Springs (who have already called a two hour delay for Thursday!).  But something came up and I ended up having to get to the office around 3PM.  Made the most of the trip by hitting up the Y for 40 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes in the weight room.  So not a total zero day.

One of these days weeks months I'll start doing the CRUD Cheyenne Canon hill climb on Thursday mornings.  Definitely not tomorrow though.

Stout month continues with this leftover from last year.  Loves me the Ska Brewery peeps, but this ain't the best brew to ever come out of Durango.


mtnrunner2 said...

I'm with you on the weather. I thought I was doing well running in 15 degrees and snow in shorts, but this is just stupid cold. It's why I don't live in Minnesota.

The Menthe is not my favorite, neither is the Mole. It's Vinifera or bust.

Jaime said...

I dig SKA as well but all that Menthe, Vinifera, Mole creative spices are just not my thing.