Friday, February 01, 2013

Incline #'s 10 & 11

Thurs PM - One last time up the Incline while it's still technically illegal.  Good turnout, here's the group pic back at Kinfolk's courtesy of Amy P:

Back at it this morning at 4:30.  Technically it was still illegal since it was before dawn and I took the dog, but whatever.  I ain't gonna let the man hold me down!  When I got back to the bottom Mountain Man Steve was setting up for the grand opening at 7AM and there were news crews there.

1 comment:

Wyatt Hornsby said...

This whole Incline legalization thing kind of sucks. I liked being an outlaw badass. My hope is that, now that the Incline's legal, they won't mess with it and actually make it runnable.
