Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bike Thieves Suck!

Had my bike ripped off, report on that over at Pikes Peak Sports.

Watching craigslist, notified bike shops, pics are out among the bike community.  But it's a lost cause.  Going to file a police report, but it's more for statistical purposes, maybe help get another patrol or two through the neighborhood.  Bummed, but I can get another bike.  More weirded out that some dude was in our house uninvited.


mike_hinterberg said...

Ugh, sorry. Colorado needs to be more like Wyoming in that regard (courtesy of Pedal House in Laramie):

We'll keep a lookout in these parts as well, but I'm suspecting a loser that doesn't travel far. Sorry you had a stranger in your house, but it would be very unusual for him to come back, and possible he'll get caught soon enough doing something else stupid. Hope you find the bike and/or have another rig to ride around in the meantime.

Jim P. said...


Andy said...

Nothing worse than a thief man... and that freaky "someone was here when I wasn't" feeling takes a while to shake as well. All you can do is hope that what goes around comes around... Again, sorry this happened.