Shot 38 out of 40 at the M-4 range today, earning the title of "expert" and, believe it or not, getting my very first ribbon for my Air Force dress blues uniform. It's only the second time I've ever shot expert in 7+ years in the military. I guess I thrive when awards are on the line, as the last time I shot that well was during EIB testing.
Lord help us...Congrats!!
From what I could tell, from my interaction with USAF personnel, is that they give medals for waking up on time. I think that by the time they graduate basic, they have a full row.
Brownie, you are a butt-pirate for taking down your post about the Pitt vs. Navy game. It's not like you guys didn't at least SHOW (which is better than the Air Force did). So listen up, ass pony:
GO NAVY!!!!!!!
a squid.
I shoot expert every year, wanker! Drink for being such a BUTT-PIRATE!!!!!!!!!
BTW, is the range there a true 300 meter range? Or a simulated 300 meter range?
Lincoln, what are you talking about? I didn't take down the Pitt post. I've stuck with my Panthers through thick and thin (about 99% thin, unfortunately). One loss ain't gonna make switch teams (like Net, who suddenly loves Colorado). Unlike you, I update my blog more than once a year, so you actually have to scroll down from time to time.
Squeef, the entire range is simulated. All the targets, from 50m to 300m, are on a sheet about 25m in front of the shooting line.
makes sense. I go there every now and then and I have never seen a range ... or anywhere to put one.
You're bragging about shooting 38/40 at 25m with an M4?
Yeah well I hear you shoot blanks anyway.
I think I sleep a little more soundly at night knowing it's guys like you protecting the good old USA...
Drink up shriner.
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