Thursday, June 14, 2007

aim high!

Workin' out at Schreiver AFB today. Early on (early is around 8AM for the Air Force) it's pretty obvious there's not much work to be done. So an airman asks me when the last time I rode a four wheeler. I told him I was never on one and his eyes got all big. "You need to have the 4 wheeler class!" he replies. So I spent the bulk of my day riding around on an ATV. Thank you for paying your taxes!


Outdoorgirl said...

For the first time I am jealous of the Air Force....poop

brownie said...

Too bad you could never hack it in the AF!

Outdoorgirl said...

What are you talking about? I already am hacking in the chair force. My company is an Air force Contractor and if it wasn't for this Army chic my company would fall in stock.


Thanks Gawd for Army Smarts...

Gaslight ;-) said...

That is just wrong.