Monday, July 31, 2023


It had been a while since I had a good long run so I decided to jump into the local Pikes Peak Ultra, starting not too far from the house over at Bear Creek Park.  Ran the 50k, which had just over 8100 feet in elevation gain, toping out at the summit of Mt. Rosa.  I was slow but steady, finishing in 7:34:47.

I hit Goat Patch Brewing right after the race to help them celebrate their six year anniversary.  Then it was off to Salida.  On Sunday morning I hiked off the Tres Litros hangover and bagged the summit of Mt. Ouray with $100 and Amanda and a bunch of dogs.  Not quite a 14er, but at 13,971 she's one of the centennial peaks, ranked as the 58th highest in the state.

For the week:

run - 50 miles, 11.5 hours

ride - 21 miles, 2.5 hours

hike - 23 miles, 12 hours

For July:

run - 30 runs, 189 miles, 39 hours

ride - 21 rides, 152 miles, 16 hours

hike - 31 hikes, 113 miles, 51.1 hours

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