Shitty drive home early Monday as it was too cold in Breck to do much. Later on I headed to WestFax to start prepping the SAR plan for winter series 2.
Tues - coldest day yet here in COS. Bundled up and took the bus to work. Temp ended up shooting up to 40F, so I was able to get the dog out for a much needed run in the Garden. Was supposed to see Collective Soul today, but for some reason they ended up cancelling the show.
Wed - temps were still balmy (26F) and the dog and I got in a good AM ruck in the Garden. Coyotes were all over the place, but Mook ain't scared. Run commute nine on the day.
Thurs/Fri - run commute 11 and 12. More of the same with shitty weather.
Sat - shitty weather with snow. I got to be the incident commander for Winter Series II, overseeing the SAR presence at that race. Thought it went pretty well.
Got another SAR call on Saturday evening. Lost 97 year old dementia patient, walked away from her house. 18F and snowy and windy when I got there. We couldn't find her, probably not going to end well.
Got more snow than anticipated, probably five inches on the westside. Still got out for a good Mook hike in the Garden in the AM on Sunday.
For the week:
run - 35 miles, 6.5 hours
hike - 22 miles, 8.5 hours
Hopefully this current arctic weather front will show itself the door this week.