Sunday, August 26, 2012

2:49 + 10

Been thinking things over since Pikes, and I've decided to put the brakes on a sub 2:50 attempt at NYC.

Took a bunch of rest days since mid August.  Heading to three days of Phish this weekend, which will do about two weeks of damage to my body.  Then there's the roadtrip wedding coming up at the end of September, and it will be ten days of very little running.  Too many breaks for someone who already has a close-to-zero chance of running that fast, so I'd rather not stress about it.

Not pussing out totally, as I will definitely be shooting for a sub three.  I've only gone that fast three times, so it's not really small potato(e)s for me.

Possible attempt at Eugene in April, but that depends on how some lottery stuff plays out.

1 comment:

MW said...

we will gladly drive our cars behind you for a couple hours every day along the highway if you want to get some speed work in.
Don't use our trip as an excuse.