Tuesday, March 31, 2009

daily haiku

Stole this idea off my personal physician. Very saddened that he may be stopping his daily haiku. Hopefully enough peeps will complain and force him to continue.

Not sure what the rules of haiku are, other than the 5-7-5 format. And, as followers of my blog will attest to, I'm not very good at writing anything creative. Was gonna start this tomorrow since I figured riding the bus would give me some good material, but I came up with this over lunch while battling the crowds at the condensed rock gym. So, without too much further ado, my very first daily haiku:

Stupid traverse wall
At least the blonde chick is here
She's gained some weight though

Thank you very much, I'm here all week! Please try the free potato buffet...


ESPN said...


Hone said...


Jes said...

HA!!!!! Nice!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Usually the theme in a Haiku is nature, but I say go freestyle! You are a pioneer.