Thursday, April 24, 2008


The east face of Pikes Peak has seen some serious melting over the past two weeks! I thought it would be at least late May until Barr Trail was passable but maybe it'll be a little earlier? Yeast Infection and I are planning on being the first people to drink a can of Fat Tire on the summit, FYI.


Impala Mama said...

Are we all doing anything special for the New Belgium canning? I know brownie had mentioned he wanted to do a big themed hash where everyone dresses up as their favorite beer...

brownie said...

Oh my god, we should do a beer mile! Except, like, this beer mile will be so much different than all the other beer miles because we'll be in costume!

Impala Mama said...

Yay! brownie, call me so we can match.

Impala Mama said...

Oh, and you should have capitalized God. Damnit.

Gaslight ;-) said...

Canning? Fat Tire in a can? I just can't get my little head around it.

Not right, not right...