Thursday, December 31, 2009

almost there...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
higher math
Beer -> vitamin B6 -> more available iron -> more hemoglobin -> more oxygen -> PRs
Good stuff over at the Beer Runner, who also told me that I can have 142.8 cans of PBR after Hardrock next year and I won't gain any weight.
another one
almost there...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
as the world turns...
Best Gazette comment so far: "What "Daddy Mason" forgot to mention in this "heartbreaking" story was how many late night alcohol fueled blowout fights this officer had with his wife while his "son" sat outside barking all night long-I know this because I was fortunate enough to be one of this man's neighbors-we really miss having you in the hood, almost as much as we miss having you on the force."
Unfortunately, sometimes violence against a woman is justified, and Katie is gonna get pistol whipped when I get home tonight for trying to sneak seafood into my lasagne. Sometimes you just gotta put a bitch in her place, yo!
Tues AM - 4 x 8 minutes, 4 minutes rest in between. Tired legs but still got in 8.1 miles.
Sitting at 3174 miles for the year. Still have a good shot at 3200. Also at 313.3 for the month. My highest month for '09 is 313.5. If I were Wiley I'd go run around my building for .21 miles right now, but I'll just wait 'till after work and get a few more miles in.
Monday, December 28, 2009
booze and guns
This is what has happened there just in the past month: "In early December, a man was almost hit in the face by a bullet that went through his windshield. Less than a week before that, police arrested a 23-year-old man for allegedly threatening the club’s security guard with a knife. On Nov. 29, two men were stabbed during a large disturbance outside the club just after closing time."
Garbage. Why is that place still open? Oh yeah, because it's downtown. Cowboy's, RumBay, Blondie's (which has also recently changed it's name). Violently horrible shit happens at those places every weekend, and yet nothing ever happens. Guess the owners of those joints know the right people to bribe.
Not that downtown offers the only violent bars in the Springs. The Golden Cue has been in the news quite a bit recently for all the wrong reasons, this being the latest. Funny, the owner of that place continues to say the police have it in for him.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
quote of the day
Saturday, December 26, 2009

no-go on Kansas
Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009
PPRR sunrise striders
Thurs AM
So much for ending the double workouts, as I'll still be doing the Incline tonight. Been a down week for the usual crew's lame excuses, as everyone is blaming christmas for bailing. They usually blame their vagina.
According to Runner's World, training for Boston should start next week. I didn't get the memo and started back on November 1st...
Guess some people noticed the good words my friends and I said about Tulsa after our recent road trip. There's now a movement to bring the 2020 summer Olympics to the lovely town. Seriously, I'm not joking, check it out here. Go ahead and pencil me in as an early favorite for the marathon gold medal if Tulsa gets the games, since I know the course pretty well.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
2010 resolutions
Running - I had one of my most fun filled years of running in 2009, chasing 3000 miles. It was a perfect balance that allowed me to get into great shape while having time for a social life. I'm gonna shoot for 3,100 miles in 2010. I'm already over that in '09. Have some other goals in mind for certain races, but I'll get to those later.
Yoga - Started dabbling in this in '09 and it has done wonders for my hamstrings and lower back. And I swear the reason I keep returning has nothing to do with all the hottie CC gals. Going to go to at least 100 classes in '10.
Books - In an earlier post I set the number at 10. I've already cheated on this, as I've started "The Last Season" and since I won't finish 'till next year I'm gonna count that as book #1.
Commuting - Every day I drive to work I put 20 miles on my truck. About 14 to and from the office, and another six to and from the gym. That's just short of a gallon of gas. In 2010, I'm either gonna run, pedal, or take the bus to work at least 20 times. That will save me just over a full tank of gas. One less car!
Diet - This area is always a struggle for me, as I loves me the junk food. But as I have slowly improved in this area, I feel worse and worse every time I give in to fast food. So I'm giving it up. Besides, the fact that I make fun of fat people and then think nothing of going to McD's or Burger King makes me somewhat of a hypocrite. This is a very difficult goal for me since the only places open late at night when I'm drunk are fast food joints. Note: this does not include the ocasional frosty from Wendy's or a blizzard from DQ. And it certainly doesn't include King's Chef or any research into the ongoing Burger Wars.
Other lists - Yeah, I keep a lot of lists. I've currently bagged 25 of Colorado's 14ers, and I'd like to get that to 30 in the next year. That's very doable, since there are still some of the Collegiate Peaks I haven't hiked. My 50/50/50 plan? Due to my schedule I'll probably only add Massachuettes and hopefully Arizona. Possibly Wyoming. Maybe more if I get into JFK. One last thing I've notced is that my push up ability has gone to crap since I traded the climbing gym for a normal gym. So I'm gonna go back to my old standby of 100 push ups a day.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Chaffee County
Awesome weekend out in Salida. Stayed in a house right by where the Salida marathon changes from paved to dirt road. Sunday morning I headed up to the half marathon turnaround, then headed another mile out on the ATV trail. Wanted to take that trail the rest of the way back to Salida but there was too much snow. Twelve miles, just over two hours. Awesome effort after yesterday's 21 miler. Finished with some Moonlight pizza and a PBR in the hot tub.
81.5 miles for the week. I already have more miles in this month than I had all of last December.
FYI, the sticker above is on a window at the Eddyline Brewery in Buena Vista. It's less than a quarter mile from the finish line of the Collegiate Peaks 50. The mountains in the pic are actually a reflection of the real mountains.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
fat people need lovin' too...
Got my trophy from Route 66 today. Not sure how I ended up in second place since I whooped the guy who took first place by almost 15 minutes.
FYI, when I left for Oklahoma I weighed in at 171 pounds.
Speaking of Boston, I'm getting my plane tix today. What days is everyone going? Anyone interested in nailing Mt. Greylock with me?
and so it ends...
7.9 miles last night, up the Incline and then a bonus workout up Red Mountain. Good times!
Getting in a good long run tomorrow and then running the Salida half marathon course on Sunday.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
cheyenne canon
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
drugs are bad, m'kay?

Good article on the harmfulness of certain drugs and how our laws do nothing to reflect that fact can be seen here. The above chart was made with data from Britain and those wackos seem to use different drugs than we do here in the US. If I had to make an educated guess, the top three most destructive drugs here in the Springs are meth, alcohol, and prescription painkillers.
quote of the day
Woods's reply: "Always. Always. It has been great actually. It has been the best thing that ever happened."
From an interview on Nov 17th, Tiger Woods's last interview before his car accident.
And now it looks like he's tied up in a steroid mess as well. How the mighty have fallen. No truth to the rumors that Woods has been getting advice from Ted Haggard.
But it must be tough for the guy. To have to spend all day toiling on a golf course, then have to go home to this:

more miles
Wed AM - easy 10.2 miles through the Garden, 1:40:04. Last week's morning run through the Garden had me worried about frostbite, today it was 45F when I left the house at 5AM.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
down with fatties!
That being said, I recently rated King's Chef and the Cherry Cricket as the top two Colorado burger places...
The Streak is now at 20...
Monday, December 14, 2009
the rematch
Stocking Shuffle 5K
But at least I defended Colo Springs against those posers up north by whooping this guy!
Started off quickly. Only about three or four of us able to keep pace, though it wasn't very long before Gerald took off. I tried to put the hammer down early to drop Brandon. Figured I'd hit the mile in 5:45. But when we finally got to the mile mark my watch read 6:10. WTF? Sure that was long.
Crossing a bridge at the one mile mark, there was a runner right behind me and I assumed it was Brandon. I decided to see if I could catch up to Gerald, who was probably ten seconds ahead. I knew if I caught him he'd drop me again, but I thought it would be cool to see if I could get up to him. I picked up the pace but couldn't get any closer. As we crossed the bridge near Colorado College, I saw that the guy behind me wasn't Brandon. I assume at this point he was lying on the course in the fetal position way behind me. The free lunch at King's Chef was already mine.
Continued to push back down the Santa Fe trail. Got a little gap on the third place guy. Couldn't see Gerald anymore, but I was still running hard. Then I hit the two mile mark in just under 13. And the two mile mark was the same place as the one mile mark. So I kinda knew the course was off.
Ran hard the last mile but ended up running out of gas just after I passed the CRUD guys. I tried my best to hang on to second place but the guy behind me just had much more speed over the last quarter mile than I did. Doubt I could have beaten him even if I was fresh.
Finished in third place, 19:10. Then I ran home and got a shower, took a nap, and returned in time to see Brandon finish in 20:50-ish. Didn't know the clocks went up that high...
I was horrified at the 19:10, but everyone with a GPS I talked to said the course was 3.2 miles. So my 5K time was probably somewhere near 18:40.
See Brandon's blog for a report on King's Chef and the Incline.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tucson marathon
Kudos to PPRR President Johnny G for his 3:40:46. Think he was trying for that 3:35 BQ though...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Fri AM - Four miles to work. Won't give the time, let's just say that drinking a ton of wine doesn't help my training.
Feel good about my chances in tomorrow's "Scuffle at the Shuffle." ESPN arrived this morning to start setting up...
quote of the day
-Bobby Bowden
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Bandera race report
can summer be far away?
But you can bet I'll be at the Telluride Blues & Brews festival once again!
Thurs AM
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
the run home

Wanna read ten books in 2010. Here's what's on my list so far:
-Stones Into Schools (the sequel to Three Cups of Tea)
-Where Men Win Glory (yeah, I'm a big Krakauer fan)
-The Last Season (my sister sent me this book a while ago, looks pretty good)
-The Greatest: the Haile Gebrselassie Story
-Running With The Buffaloes (if I read it quick enough I can gank it from the CRC bookshelf and return it before anyone knows it's missing)
-Endurance (got this for $2 when I still lived in Austin, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet)
-Again to Carthage (sequel to Once a Runner)
-Atlas Shrugged (just kidding, no way I'll ever read more than the first two pages of that)
Any other suggestions?
bad shirt
And don't forget Tim Reynolds at Stargazer's on January 22nd. Advance tix are only 15 bones.
Tried to take some pics of Pikes Peak, which I hadn't seen since Sunday afternoon, but the camera wouldn't turn on.
I love it when it sucks!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
8 Yellow Snow
t-shirt etiquette
-Bill Bowerman
Not sure Coach Bowerman ever endured a stretch of shitty Colorado winter weather. Still getting out, though for slow and low mileage. 3.3 miles at Trinity last night 30:03, and another 5.3 miles in just over an hour this morning. My mouth freezes immediately as soon as I go outside and things don't get any better from there. Ugh. Supposed to remain crappy until Thursday.
The streak is up to 13. That's the only thing that got me out of bed this morning, when the temp in Manitou was 1F.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Monday AM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
11/30 to 12/6

Incline Club
Rock Canyon half marathon
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Mt. Lemmon
Exeter Marathon
Incline happy hour
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Tues - 7.2 miles out and back on the Animas River trail, 66:08
Wed AM - 8 miles, 1:33:14, on the Colorado Trail up to Gudy's Rest.
Wed PM - 7.1 miles, 1:10:03, Animas River trail.
Thurs - 5.8 miles, 50:47
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
2010 Race Schedule
I am open to wagers on all of these races. First up is the Stocking Shuffle. Team Shart, loser buys lunch at King's Chef!
Woohoo! Could be a heck of a year!
Dec 5 - Rock Canyon Half Marathon
Dec 12 - Stocking Shuffle 5K
Jan 1 - Rescue Run 10K
Jan 9 - Winter Series I
Jan 23 - Winter Series II
Feb 13 - Winter Series III
Feb 27 - Winter Series IV
Mar TBA - Salida Marathon
April 11 - Platte River Half Marathon
April 19 - Boston Marathon
May 1 - Collegiate Peaks or Greenland 50K
May 8 - Grand Canyon R2R2R
May 22 - Jemez Mountain
May 31 - Bolder Boulder 10K
June 13 - Garden of the Gods 10 miler
June 17 - Bighorn 100 miler
June 26 to 28 - Leadville Training Camp
July 3 - Leadville Marathon
July 4 - Leadville 5K
July 12 - Hardrock
July 31 - 24 Hours of Leadville
Aug TBA - either TransRockies or Leadville 100
Sept 24 - Bear 100
Nov 20 - JFK 50 miler
Feb 2011 - NOLA Marathon
May 2011 - Eugene Marathon