Sunday, May 24, 2009

CRUD run

Had a great run with CRUD on Saturday.  I took the shorter version - Williams, Waldo, Longs Ranch, Eagle's Nest, Barr Trail, ending at the Colorado Custard Company for a chocolate milkshake.  Another great group for a CRUD showing, as this week we were joined by Eric G, who had recently won the Miwok 100K.  Thanks to CRUD historian Leadman Larry for the pics.

Here's a shot of Fast Eddy pointing towards Pikes Peak and saying, "no friggin' way I'm running over there, it looks way too hard."

Heading up through Williams Canyon, shortly before turning over towards Waldo:

Entering Williams Canyon.  Me and John G pushing the pace while Fast Eddy, Eric G, and Paul D struggle to keep up:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Notice in the middle picture that the trail starts to go UP.... Notice JT lagging behind Paul D and FastED... What a coinkidink