Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Yawn...another lazy, wasted day. Feel like I'm just going through the motions anymore. Used to wake up to a list of big events coming up (Pikes Peak, Rocky Raccoon, Sumnart, Bandera) but now that's gone. Don't have a job. Nothing to do all day. It sounds great, but it gets boring pretty quick.

Luckily that'll change soon with TexMex and the Colorado move coming up.

I am working on a Bandera race report. Taking longer to do that then it did to run the thing. Still have some quad issues but nothing too serious. I'll be ready to battle Finger Pickin' Good at the Asshole trial this Sunday. For all you new TexMex folks, if you don't do the asshole trail you're a poser!

1 comment:

Gagger said...

I know...why don't you go run all the errands I need to take care of before El Paso. Great, thanks!!!