Thursday, May 06, 2010


Easy 7.5 on the trails around the Garden yesterday. This morning was the Garden training run "midterm," which included two lung busting efforts up Ridge Road. Glute is still annoying but getting better everyday.

Good article on barefoot running over here. I love Hall's quote, "“I am all for simplicity and getting back to functioning how us humans were intended to be, but it gets dicey when you isolate one aspect of your running and not the entire lifestyle… If you are going to run barefoot because you say it is how we were intended to run, then I would say that is fine as long as you are going to go back to prehistoric nutrition, recovery (sleeping, resting, etc), and living (running on dirt roads instead of asphalt). I don’t think there were many prehistoric humans running around with beer guts.”

Not to knock barefoot running, since it has led to some of the best comments on the letsrun message boards. Including one about Haile Gebrselassie, who may have had a good race or two over the past few decades, but "wasted his running career by running in shoes." Good stuff!

1 comment:

Digger said...

"Ryan Hall said "I don’t think there were many prehistoric humans running around with beer guts.”
He's onto something.Many of us are living primally.Except we have beer.