Friday, March 01, 2019


Tuesday - run commute 13.  Five miles to work on the Midland Trail, 5.5 miles back home through Sondermann Park.  Tested the hammy a bit with some low level fartleks, and all is somewhat good.  CityRock 28 and some yoga at the house as well.

Wednesday - bike commute 12.  Straight to/from work, as it was cold as balls out.  Good climb over lunch.

Thursday - 2.7 mile dog hike followed by run commute 14.  More fartleks and again the hammy is almost full strength.  CityRock 30 at lunch.

Friday - run commute 14.  An hour via Sondermann Park, the popcycle bridge, and Santa Fe.  Good, though easy, effort.

The running/biking in February were a disaster.  Not helped at all by the cold temps, heavy snow, and hamstring injury.  The numbers for the month:

Run - 132 miles
Bike - 115 miles
Hike - 67 miles
Climb - 13 trips to CityRock
Yoga - three trips to CorePower, two sessions at the house

At least my climbing has been trending upwards.  I set a goal to become a consistent 5.9/V3 guy at CityRock in short time, and I'm well on my way.  I am starting to get pretty not-too-shitty at the 5.9 grade, and most V3's in the gym I can figure out in a week or so.  No big head though, as outdoor climbing season will be here soon, and those gym numbers probably equate to 5.7/V1 outdoors.

1 comment:

The Padre said...

What The Fruita?!?!?!? No Varsity Update??? Classic

Stay Strong & Keep Climbing Brother Pitt,